Produkt zum Begriff Websites:
Content Strategy for the Web
FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous: Write Programs, Publish Packages, and Develop Interactive Websites with JavaScript
All You Need to Know, and Nothing You Don't, to Write JavaScript for the Web and BeyondJavaScript plays a key role in modern software development, not only because it is the only language that runs inside virtually all web browsers, but also because it has become widely used for back-end and general-purpose development as well. Although JavaScript is a big language, you don't need to learn "everything" about it to get started, just how to use it efficiently to solve real problems. In Learn Enough JavaScript to Be Dangerous, renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the specific concepts, skills, and approaches you need to be professionally productive.Even if you've never programmed before, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. Treating JavaScript as a general-purpose language right from the start, Hartl offers examples for creating dynamic effects in browsers and for writing scripts and modules using Node.js. Focused exercises help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros don't care about. Soon, it'll be like you were born knowing this stuff--and you'll be suddenly, seriously dangerous.Learn enough about . . . Rapidly deploying a simple JavaScript app to the live WebWorking with strings and other native JavaScript objectsApplying functions and elegant, powerful functional-programming techniquesCreating new objects with both properties and methodsWriting tests and improving code with test-driven development (TDD)Developing and using self-contained, modular NPM software packagesAdding interactivity with event listeners, dynamic HTML forms, and DOM manipulationWriting useful, nontrivial JavaScript shell scriptsBuilding an industrial-grade interactive website with JavaScript, from start to finishMichael Hartl's Learn Enough series includes books and video courses that focus on the most important parts of each subject, so you don't have to learn everything to get started--you just have to learn enough to be dangerous and solve technical problems yourself.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Domain-Driven Design Distilled
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) software modeling delivers powerful results in practice, not just in theory, which is why developers worldwide are rapidly moving to adopt it. Now, for the first time, there’s an accessible guide to the basics of DDD: What it is, what problems it solves, how it works, and how to quickly gain value from it. Concise, readable, and actionable, Domain-Driven Design Distilled never buries you in detail–it focuses on what you need to know to get results. Vaughn Vernon, author of the best-selling Implementing Domain-Driven Design, draws on his twenty years of experience applying DDD principles to real-world situations. He is uniquely well-qualified to demystify its complexities, illuminate its subtleties, and help you solve the problems you might encounter. Vernon guides you through each core DDD technique for building better software. You’ll learn how to segregate domain models using the powerful Bounded Contexts pattern, to develop a Ubiquitous Language within an explicitly bounded context, and to help domain experts and developers work together to create that language. Vernon shows how to use Subdomains to handle legacy systems and to integrate multiple Bounded Contexts to define both team relationships and technical mechanisms. Domain-Driven Design Distilled brings DDD to life. Whether you’re a developer, architect, analyst, consultant, or customer, Vernon helps you truly understand it so you can benefit from its remarkable power. Coverage includes What DDD can do for you and your organization–and why it’s so important The cornerstones of strategic design with DDD: Bounded Contexts and Ubiquitous Language Strategic design with Subdomains Context Mapping: helping teams work together and integrate software more strategically Tactical design with Aggregates and Domain Events Using project acceleration and management tools to establish and maintain team cadence
Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Implementing Domain-Driven Design
“For software developers of all experience levels looking to improve their results, and design and implement domain-driven enterprise applications consistently with the best current state of professional practice, Implementing Domain-Driven Design will impart a treasure trove of knowledge hard won within the DDD and enterprise application architecture communities over the last couple decades.” –Randy Stafford, Architect At-Large, Oracle Coherence Product Development“This book is a must-read for anybody looking to put DDD into practice.”–Udi Dahan, Founder of NServiceBusImplementing Domain-Driven Design presents a top-down approach to understanding domain-driven design (DDD) in a way that fluently connects strategic patterns to fundamental tactical programming tools. Vaughn Vernon couples guided approaches to implementation with modern architectures, highlighting the importance and value of focusing on the business domain while balancing technical considerations.Building on Eric Evans’ seminal book, Domain-Driven Design, the author presents practical DDD techniques through examples from familiar domains. Each principle is backed up by realistic Java examples–all applicable to C# developers–and all content is tied together by a single case study: the delivery of a large-scale Scrum-based SaaS system for a multitenant environment.The author takes you far beyond “DDD-lite” approaches that embrace DDD solely as a technical toolset, and shows you how to fully leverage DDD’s “strategic design patterns” using Bounded Context, Context Maps, and the Ubiquitous Language. Using these techniques and examples, you can reduce time to market and improve quality, as you build software that is more flexible, more scalable, and more tightly aligned to business goals.Coverage includesGetting started the right way with DDD, so you can rapidly gain value from itUsing DDD within diverse architectures, including Hexagonal, SOA, REST, CQRS, Event-Driven, and Fabric/Grid-BasedAppropriately designing and applying Entities–and learning when to use Value Objects insteadMastering DDD’s powerful new Domain Events techniqueDesigning Repositories for ORM, NoSQL, and other databases
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann man mit Hilfe von Web-Programmierung interaktive und benutzerfreundliche Websites erstellen? Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien und Techniken der Web-Programmierung?
Durch die Verwendung von HTML, CSS und JavaScript kann man interaktive und benutzerfreundliche Websites erstellen. Die grundlegenden Prinzipien sind die Trennung von Inhalt, Design und Verhalten, die Einhaltung von Webstandards und die Verwendung von responsivem Design. Zu den Techniken gehören die Verwendung von Frameworks wie Bootstrap, die Implementierung von Animationen und die Optimierung der Ladezeiten.
Wie kann man eine Domain für zwei Websites nutzen?
Um eine Domain für zwei Websites zu nutzen, können Sie entweder Subdomains erstellen oder die Domain mit einem Verzeichnisstruktur verwenden. Bei der Verwendung von Subdomains können Sie beispielsweise eine Website unter und eine andere unter hosten. Bei der Verwendung einer Verzeichnisstruktur können Sie die Websites in separaten Ordnern auf dem Server platzieren, z.B. und
Wie können Websites mehr Online-Besucher anlocken und ihre Reichweite im Internet erhöhen?
Websites können mehr Online-Besucher anlocken, indem sie qualitativ hochwertigen Content bereitstellen, der relevant und ansprechend für ihre Zielgruppe ist. Zudem können sie ihre Reichweite im Internet erhöhen, indem sie Suchmaschinenoptimierung betreiben, um in den Suchergebnissen besser gefunden zu werden. Außerdem können sie ihre Präsenz auf Social-Media-Plattformen ausbauen, um ihre Inhalte einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen.
Was ist der Zweck einer Top-Level-Domain und wie beeinflusst sie die Identifikation von Websites im Internet?
Eine Top-Level-Domain dient dazu, Websites in verschiedene Kategorien zu unterteilen und sie eindeutig zu identifizieren. Sie hilft Nutzern, Websites anhand ihrer Domain-Endung zu erkennen und zu unterscheiden. Dadurch wird die Navigation im Internet erleichtert und die Glaubwürdigkeit von Websites gestärkt.
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Millance Volunteer Hosting
Preis: 45 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures, and Sound
With Writing for the Web, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create effective Web content using words, pictures, and sound. Follow along as instructor and writer Lynda Felder combines easy-to-follow guidelines with photographs, lists, and tables to illustrate the key concepts behind writing nonlinear, interactive stories; creating succinct and clear copy; and working compelling images, motion graphics, and sound into your content. Many books offer instruction on how to use software programs to build Web sites, podcasts, and illustrations. But only Writing for the Web explains when and why an author might choose an illustration over a photograph, motion graphics over text, or a slice of Beethoven’s Fifth over the sound of a bubbling brook. Focusing on storytelling techniques that work best for digital media, this book describes the essential skills and tools in a Web author’s toolbox, including a thorough understanding of grammar and style, a critical eye for photography, and an ear for just the right sound byte for a podcast. This clearly written guide provides a fun and practical approach to Web writing that busy students and writers will be eager to learn and explore. Uses concise, straight-to-the-point style to illustrate techniques for writing sharp and focused Web copy, coupled with compelling visuals and sound Focuses on writing practices and guidelines, with exercises and prompts developed and tested by the author Features clear design, with plenty of pictures and visual elements, and a friendly and knowledgeable voiceTake your learning even further with Lynda's companion book: The Web Writer's Toolkit: 365 prompts, collaborative exercises, games, and challenges for effective online content.For more tips, exercises, and suggestions for teachers, check out the book’s Web site at
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Clout: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content
Results. Everyone wants them, whether to sell more products, spread good ideas, or win more funding. In our busy digital world, the way to results is influencing people on the web. But how? An ad campaign won't cut it. A Twitter account doesn't guarantee it. Manipulative tricks will backfire. Instead, you need quality, compelling web content that attracts people and engages them for the long haul. Clout explains the key principles of influence and how to apply them to web content. Along the way, those principles come to life with lots of practical examples. With this book, you'll:Discover why a technology feature, marketing campaign, SEO effort, or redesign aren't enough to influence online. Understand the business value of compelling web content. Learn 8 principles for influence from the art of rhetoric and the science of psychology. Find out what context is and why it's so important to influence. Jump start your planning for content over time with patterns and diagrams. Learn the basics of evaluation to determine whether your web content is making a difference.
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Content Strategy for the Web
FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.
Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Vorteile bietet anonymes Hosting für die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre von Websites?
Anonymes Hosting schützt die Identität des Website-Betreibers, was Angriffe und Überwachung erschwert. Es ermöglicht eine höhere Privatsphäre für die Nutzer der Website, da keine persönlichen Daten preisgegeben werden. Zudem kann anonymes Hosting dazu beitragen, Zensur zu umgehen und die Meinungsfreiheit zu schützen.
Wie kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden?
Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website kann durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden, indem eine klare und intuitive Navigation implementiert wird. Zudem können interaktive Elemente wie Dropdown-Menüs oder Suchfunktionen hinzugefügt werden, um die Benutzererfahrung zu optimieren. Außerdem ist es wichtig, responsives Design zu verwenden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website auf verschiedenen Geräten gut funktioniert.
Wie kann man barrierefreie Websites mithilfe von aktuellen Web-Entwicklungstechniken erstellen?
1. Verwenden Sie semantischen HTML-Code, um die Struktur der Website klar und verständlich zu gestalten. 2. Implementieren Sie responsive Design-Techniken, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website auf verschiedenen Geräten und Bildschirmgrößen gut lesbar ist. 3. Integrieren Sie alternative Texte für Bilder, Untertitel für Videos und sorgen Sie für eine klare Navigation, um die Zugänglichkeit für Menschen mit Behinderungen zu verbessern.
Inwiefern beeinflussen verschiedene Themes die Benutzererfahrung und das Design von Websites, Blogs und Online-Shops?
Die Auswahl des Themes für eine Website, einen Blog oder einen Online-Shop beeinflusst maßgeblich die Benutzererfahrung und das Design. Ein Theme mit einem modernen und responsiven Design kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessern und das Erscheinungsbild professioneller gestalten. Ein Theme mit benutzerdefinierten Funktionen und Layoutoptionen kann die Anpassungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität der Website erhöhen. Darüber hinaus kann ein Theme mit integrierten SEO-Funktionen die Sichtbarkeit und Auffindbarkeit der Website in Suchmaschinen verbessern. Schließlich kann ein Theme mit eingebauter Unterstützung für E-Commerce-Funktionen die Benutzererfahrung in einem Online-Shop verbessern und das Design an die Bedürfnisse von Online-Käufern anpassen.
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