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Produkt zum Begriff Software:

  • Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
    Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

    “Eric Evans has written a fantastic book on how you can make the design of your software match your mental model of the problem domain you are addressing. “His book is very compatible with XP. It is not about drawing pictures of a domain; it is about how you think of it, the language you use to talk about it, and how you organize your software to reflect your improving understanding of it. Eric thinks that learning about your problem domain is as likely to happen at the end of your project as at the beginning, and so refactoring is a big part of his technique. “The book is a fun read. Eric has lots of interesting stories, and he has a way with words. I see this book as essential reading for software developers—it is a future classic.” —Ralph Johnson, author of Design Patterns   “If you don’t think you are getting value from your investment in object-oriented programming, this book will tell you what you’ve forgotten to do. “Eric Evans convincingly argues for the importance of domain modeling as the central focus of development and provides a solid framework and set of techniques for accomplishing it. This is timeless wisdom, and will hold up long after the methodologies du jour have gone out of fashion.” —Dave Collins, author of Designing Object-Oriented User Interfaces   “Eric weaves real-world experience modeling—and building—business applications into a practical, useful book. Written from the perspective of a trusted practitioner, Eric’s descriptions of ubiquitous language, the benefits of sharing models with users, object life-cycle management, logical and physical application structuring, and the process and results of deep refactoring are major contributions to our field.” —Luke Hohmann, author of Beyond Software Architecture   “This book belongs on the shelf of every thoughtful software developer.”—Kent Beck   “What Eric has managed to capture is a part of the design process that experienced object designers have always used, but that we have been singularly unsuccessful as a group in conveying to the rest of the industry. We've given away bits and pieces of this knowledge...but we've never organized and systematized the principles of building domain logic. This book is important.” —Kyle Brown, author of Enterprise Java™ Programming with IBM® WebSphere®   The software development community widely acknowledges that domain modeling is central to software design. Through domain models, software developers are able to express rich functionality and translate it into a software implementation that truly serves the needs of its users. But despite its obvious importance, there are few practical resources that explain how to incorporate effective domain modeling into the software development process.   Domain-Driven Design fills that need. This is not a book about specific technologies. It offers readers a systematic approach to domain-driven design, presenting an extensive set of design best practices, experience-based techniques, and fundamental principles that facilitate the development of software projects facing complex domains. Intertwining design and development practice, this book incorporates numerous examples based on actual projects to illustrate the application of domain-driven design to real-world software development.   Readers learn how to use a domain model to make a complex development effort more focused and dynamic. A core of best practices and standard patterns provides a common language for the development team. A shift in emphasis—refactoring not just the code but the model underlying the code—in combination with the frequent iterations of Agile development leads to deeper insight into domains and enhanced communication between domain expert and programmer. Domain-Driven Design then builds on this foundation, and addresses modeling and design for complex systems and larger organizations.Specific topics covered include: Getting all team members to speak the same language Connecting model and implementation more deeply Sharpening key distinctions in a model Managing the lifecycle of a domain object Writing domain code that is safe to combine in elaborate ways Making complex code obvious and predictable Formulating a domain vision statement Distilling the core of a complex domain Digging out implicit concepts needed in the model Applying analysis patterns Relating design patterns to the model Maintaining model integrity in a large system Dealing with coexisting models on the same project Organizing systems with large-scale structures Recognizing and responding to modeling breakthroughs With this book in hand, object-oriented developers, system analysts, and designers will have the guidance they need to organize and focus their work, create rich and useful domain models, and leverage those models into quality, long-lasting software implementations.

    Preis: 55.63 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Domain Storytelling: A Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Build Domain-Driven Software
    Domain Storytelling: A Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Build Domain-Driven Software

    Build Better Business Software by Telling and Visualizing Stories"From a story to working software--this book helps you to get to the essence of what to build. Highly recommended!" --Oliver DrotbohmStorytelling is at the heart of human communication--why not use it to overcome costly misunderstandings when designing software? By telling and visualizing stories, domain experts and team members make business processes and domain knowledge tangible. Domain Storytelling enables everyone to understand the relevant people, activities, and work items. With this guide, the method's inventors explain how domain experts and teams can work together to capture insights with simple pictographs, show their work, solicit feedback, and get everyone on the same page.Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner introduce the method's easy pictographic language, scenario-based modeling techniques, workshop format, and relationship to other modeling methods. Using step-by-step case studies, they guide you through solving many common problems:Fully align all project participants and stakeholders, both technical and business-focusedMaster a simple set of symbols and rules for modeling any process or workflowUse workshop-based collaborative modeling to find better solutions fasterDraw clear boundaries to organize your domain, software, and teamsTransform domain knowledge into requirements, embedded naturally into an agile processMove your models from diagrams and sticky notes to codeGain better visibility into your IT landscape so you can consolidate or optimize itThis guide is for everyone who wants more effective software--from developers, architects, and team leads to the domain experts, product owners, and executives who rely on it every day.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • McAfee Internet Security 1 Gerät - 1 Jahr Software
    McAfee Internet Security 1 Gerät - 1 Jahr Software

    Schutz für Ihre PCs, Macs, Smartphones und Tablets / Inkl. Kennwort-Manager / Sichere Internetnutzung und PC Optimierung

    Preis: 16.72 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • AVAST Software AVG Internet Security 1 Gerät - 1 Jahr
    AVAST Software AVG Internet Security 1 Gerät - 1 Jahr

    Virenschutz für den PC / Zuverlässige Abwehr gegen Viren, Malware und Ransomware / Trojaner, Spyware, Hackerangriffe sofort erkennen und aufhalten / Online sicher shoppen und überweisen

    Preis: 11.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Wie kann die Online-Programmierung die Entwicklung von Software-Anwendungen erleichtern?

    Die Online-Programmierung ermöglicht es Entwicklern, von überall auf der Welt zusammenzuarbeiten und gemeinsam an Projekten zu arbeiten. Durch die Verwendung von cloudbasierten Tools können Entwickler schnell auf Ressourcen zugreifen und ihre Arbeit effizienter gestalten. Außerdem ermöglicht die Online-Programmierung eine einfachere Versionskontrolle und Zusammenarbeit bei der Entwicklung von Software-Anwendungen.

  • Wie kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden?

    Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website kann durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden, indem eine klare und intuitive Navigation implementiert wird. Zudem können interaktive Elemente wie Dropdown-Menüs oder Suchfunktionen hinzugefügt werden, um die Benutzererfahrung zu optimieren. Außerdem ist es wichtig, responsives Design zu verwenden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website auf verschiedenen Geräten gut funktioniert.

  • "Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Programmierung und wie können sie zur Entwicklung von Software angewendet werden?"

    Die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Programmierung sind Abstraktion, Dekomposition und Mustererkennung. Sie können zur Entwicklung von Software angewendet werden, indem sie helfen, komplexe Probleme in kleinere Teile zu zerlegen, um sie besser zu verstehen und zu lösen. Durch die Anwendung dieser Prinzipien können Entwickler effizienten und gut strukturierten Code schreiben.

  • Was versteht man unter Polymorphismus in der Programmierung und welche Vorteile bietet er für die Entwicklung von Software?

    Polymorphismus bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit eines Objekts, sich je nach Kontext unterschiedlich zu verhalten. Dies ermöglicht es, verschiedene Klassen mit ähnlichen Methoden auf eine einheitliche Weise zu behandeln. Dadurch wird der Code flexibler, wartungsfreundlicher und leichter zu erweitern.

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  • Righting Software
    Righting Software

    Right Your Software and Transform Your CareerRighting Software presents the proven, structured, and highly engineered approach to software design that renowned architect Juval Löwy has practiced and taught around the world. Although companies of every kind have successfully implemented his original design ideas across hundreds of systems, these insights have never before appeared in print.Based on first principles in software engineering and a comprehensive set of matching tools and techniques, Löwy’s methodology integrates system design and project design. First, he describes the primary area where many software architects fail and shows how to decompose a system into smaller building blocks or services, based on volatility. Next, he shows how to flow an effective project design from the system design; how to accurately calculate the project duration, cost, and risk; and how to devise multiple execution options.The method and principles in Righting Software apply regardless of your project and company size, technology, platform, or industry. Löwy starts the reader on a journey that addresses the critical challenges of software development today by righting software systems and projects as well as careers—and possibly the software industry as a whole. Software professionals, architects, project leads, or managers at any stage of their career will benefit greatly from this book, which provides guidance and knowledge that would otherwise take decades and many projects to acquire.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Software Requirements
    Software Requirements

    Software Requirements sind die Anforderungen der Anwender an die Funktionalität eines geplanten Software-Systems. Requirements Engineering ist der Prozess zur methodischen Erhebung und Beschreibung der Anforderungen. Die Kunst eines guten Requirements Engineerings ist die Entwicklung einer stabilen Anforderungsbasis als zuverlässige Grundlage für die weitere Entwicklung der Software.Das vorliegende Buch führt in die Grundkonzepte des Requirements Engineering ein und zeigt anhand vieler Beispiele, wie man systematisch und methodisch bei der Ermittlung, Dokumentation, Spezifikation, Modellierung, Validierung und Verwaltung von Software Requirements vorgeht. Ausführliche Methodenbeschreibungen dienen zur Erläuterung und ein durchgängiges Fallbeispiel hilft dem Leser die Anwendung der Methoden nachzuvollziehen. Mit Hilfe der Übungen am Ende jedes Kapitels, können die Methoden selbst eingeübt werden.Neben dem klassischen Dokument-getriebenen Requirements Engineering beschäftigt sich das Buch mit den Methoden des agilen Requirements Engineering und vergleicht die beiden Ansätze. Zusätzlich bietet das Buch einen Blick über den Tellerrand und betrachtet die Schnittstellen des Requirements Engineerings zu anderen Teilprozessen im Entwicklungsprozess.Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Fachrichtung Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, sowie aller verwandten Fachrichtungen, die sich mit den Themen Software Engineering oder Requirements Engineering beschäftigen.

    Preis: 31.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
    Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

    Incorporate effective domain modeling into the software development processSoftware design thought leader and founder of Domain Language, Eric Evans, provides a systematic approach to domain-driven design, presenting an extensive set of design best practices, experience-based techniques, and fundamental principles that facilitate the development of software projects facing complex domains. Intertwining system design and development practice, this book incorporates numerous examples based on actual projects to illustrate the application of domain-driven design to real-world software modeling and development.Domain Model: Part I outlines the goals of domain-driven development, defines terms, and gives an overview of the implications of using the domain model to drive communication and designModel-Driven Design: Part II condenses a core of best practices in object-oriented domain modeling into a set of basic building blocks and focuses on the kinds of decisions that keep the model and implementation aligned with each other, each reinforcing the other’s effectivenessRefactoring: Part III delves into modeling principles that can guide choices along the way, and techniques that help direct the searchStrategic Design: Part IV explores a triad of principles that apply to the system as a whole: context, distillation, and large-scale structure Throughout the book, discussions are illustrated not with over-simplified, “” problems, but with realistic examples adapted from actual projects. With this book in hand, object-oriented developers, system analysts, and designers will have the guidance they need to organize and focus their work, create rich and useful domain models, and leverage those models into quality, long-lasting software implementations. “The book is a fun read. Eric has lots of interesting stories, and he has a way with words. I see this book as essential reading for software developers—it is a future classic.”—Ralph Johnson, author of Design Patterns

    Preis: 68.47 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
    Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

    Domain-Driven Design fills that need. This is not a book about specific technologies. It offers readers a systematic approach to domain-driven design, presenting an extensive set of design best practices, experience-based techniques, and fundamental principles that facilitate the development of software projects facing complex domains. Intertwining design and development practice, this book incorporates numerous examples based on actual projects to illustrate the application of domain-driven design to real-world software development.   Readers learn how to use a domain model to make a complex development effort more focused and dynamic. A core of best practices and standard patterns provides a common language for the development team. A shift in emphasis–refactoring not just the code but the model underlying the code–in combination with the frequent iterations of Agile development leads to deeper insight into domains and enhanced communication between domain expert and programmer. Domain-Driven Design then builds on this foundation, and addresses modeling and design for complex systems and larger organizations.Specific topics covered include:   With this book in hand, object-oriented developers, system analysts, and designers will have the guidance they need to organize and focus their work, create rich and useful domain models, and leverage those models into quality, long-lasting software implementations.

    Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien der objektorientierten Programmierung und wie können sie bei der Entwicklung von Software angewendet werden?

    Die grundlegenden Prinzipien der objektorientierten Programmierung sind Kapselung, Vererbung und Polymorphie. Diese Prinzipien ermöglichen es, Code in wiederverwendbare Module zu strukturieren, die leichter zu warten und zu erweitern sind. Durch die Anwendung dieser Prinzipien können Entwickler effizienter arbeiten und qualitativ hochwertige Softwareprodukte erstellen.

  • Wie kann Internet-Software dazu beitragen, die Effizienz und Sicherheit von Online-Aktivitäten zu verbessern?

    Internet-Software kann durch regelmäßige Updates und Patches Sicherheitslücken schließen und so die Sicherheit von Online-Aktivitäten erhöhen. Durch Automatisierung von Prozessen und Integration von verschiedenen Tools kann die Effizienz bei der Durchführung von Online-Aktivitäten gesteigert werden. Zudem ermöglichen Internet-Softwarelösungen die zentrale Verwaltung von Daten und Anwendungen, was die Effizienz und Sicherheit weiter verbessert.

  • Wie kann die Intuitivität von Benutzeroberflächen in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Software-Design, Produktdesign und Website-Navigation verbessert werden?

    Die Intuitivität von Benutzeroberflächen kann verbessert werden, indem man sich auf die Bedürfnisse und das Verhalten der Benutzer konzentriert. Dies kann durch Benutzerforschung, Usability-Tests und Feedback-Schleifen erreicht werden. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, klare und konsistente Design-Prinzipien zu verwenden, um die Benutzererfahrung zu optimieren. Die Verwendung von bekannten Interaktionsmustern und die Reduzierung von unnötigen Elementen können ebenfalls dazu beitragen, die Intuitivität von Benutzeroberflächen zu verbessern.

  • Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien der objektorientierten Programmierung und wie können sie in der Entwicklung von Software-Anwendungen angewendet werden?

    Die grundlegenden Prinzipien der objektorientierten Programmierung sind Kapselung, Vererbung und Polymorphie. Sie ermöglichen die Strukturierung von Code in wiederverwendbare und leicht wartbare Objekte. Durch die Anwendung dieser Prinzipien können Entwickler effizientere und flexiblere Software-Anwendungen erstellen.

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