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Produkt zum Begriff Semantic-Web-And-Web:

  • Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures, and Sound
    Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures, and Sound

    With Writing for the Web, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create effective Web content using words, pictures, and sound. Follow along as instructor and writer Lynda Felder combines easy-to-follow guidelines with photographs, lists, and tables to illustrate the key concepts behind writing nonlinear, interactive stories; creating succinct and clear copy; and working compelling images, motion graphics, and sound into your content. Many books offer instruction on how to use software programs to build Web sites, podcasts, and illustrations. But only Writing for the Web explains when and why an author might choose an illustration over a photograph, motion graphics over text, or a slice of Beethoven’s Fifth over the sound of a bubbling brook. Focusing on storytelling techniques that work best for digital media, this book describes the essential skills and tools in a Web author’s toolbox, including a thorough understanding of grammar and style, a critical eye for photography, and an ear for just the right sound byte for a podcast. This clearly written guide provides a fun and practical approach to Web writing that busy students and writers will be eager to learn and explore. Uses concise, straight-to-the-point style to illustrate techniques for writing sharp and focused Web copy, coupled with compelling visuals and sound Focuses on writing practices and guidelines, with exercises and prompts developed and tested by the author Features clear design, with plenty of pictures and visual elements, and a friendly and knowledgeable voiceTake your learning even further with Lynda's companion book: The Web Writer's Toolkit: 365 prompts, collaborative exercises, games, and challenges for effective online content.For more tips, exercises, and suggestions for teachers, check out the book’s Web site at

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Clout: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content
    Clout: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content

    Results. Everyone wants them, whether to sell more products, spread good ideas, or win more funding. In our busy digital world, the way to results is influencing people on the web. But how? An ad campaign won't cut it. A Twitter account doesn't guarantee it. Manipulative tricks will backfire. Instead, you need quality, compelling web content that attracts people and engages them for the long haul.   Clout explains the key principles of influence and how to apply them to web content. Along the way, those principles come to life with lots of practical examples. With this book, you'll:Discover why a technology feature, marketing campaign, SEO effort, or redesign aren't enough to influence online. Understand the business value of compelling web content.  Learn 8 principles for influence from the art of rhetoric and the science of psychology. Find out what context is and why it's so important to influence. Jump start your planning for content over time with patterns and diagrams. Learn the basics of evaluation to determine whether your web content is making a difference.

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
    Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design

    In a chaotic world, we all crave simplicity. We don’t want to waste time reconfiguring our smartphones, fumbling over digital printers, or plodding through online forms while deadlines bear down on us. We want technology that works. Yet the harder we try to create simple user experiences, the more we tie ourselves up in knots. We are undermined by demands to cram in more features, or lured into approaches that turn out to be more complex than ever. Simplicity is a discipline that can be learned. This book shows you how–with humor, powerful examples, quotes, and case studies. This new edition has been updated to provide fresh advice for teams struggling to satisfy the conflicting demands of their stakeholders; it addresses important trends in technology; and it shows how four simple rules of simplicity can be applied to new and emerging types of interaction. More information at: 

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • PHP and MySQL Web Development
    PHP and MySQL Web Development

    PHP and MySQL Web Development, Fifth EditionThe definitive guide to building database-driven Web applications with PHP and MySQLPHP and MySQL are popular open-source technologies that are ideal for quickly developing database-driven Web applications. PHP is a powerful scripting language designed to enable developers to create highly featured Web applications quickly, and MySQL is a fast, reliable database that integrates well with PHP and is suited for dynamic Internet-based applications.PHP and MySQL Web Development shows how to use these tools together to produce effective, interactive Web applications. It clearly describes the basics of the PHP language, explains how to set up and work with a MySQL database, and then shows how to use PHP to interact with the database and the server.This practical, hands-on book consistently focuses on real-world applications, even in the introductory chapters. The authors cover important aspects of security and authentication as they relate to building a real-world website and show you how to implement these aspects in PHP and MySQL. They also introduce you to the integration of front-end and back-end technologies by using JavaScript in your application development.The final part of this book describes how to approach real-world projects and takes the reader through the design, planning, and building of several projects, including:User authentication and personalizationWeb-based emailSocial media integrationShopping cartThe fifth edition of PHP and MySQL Web Development has been thoroughly updated, revised, and expanded to cover developments in PHP through versions 5.6 and 7, as well as features introduced in recent stable releases of MySQL.Free Access to Web EditionPurchase of this book in any format, electronic or print, includes free access to the corresponding Web Edition, which provides several special features:The complete text of the book onlineExercises and interactive quizzes to test your understanding of the materialBonus chapters not included in the print or e-book editionsUpdates and corrections as they become availableThe Web Edition can be viewed on all types of computers and mobile devices with any modern web browser that supports HTML5.Contents at a GlancePart I: Using PHP1  PHP Crash Course2  Storing and Retrieving Data3  Using Arrays4  String Manipulation and Regular Expressions5  Reusing Code and Writing Functions6  Object-Oriented PHP7  Error and Exception HandlingPart II: Using MySQL8  Designing Your Web Database9  Creating Your Web Database10 Working with Your MySQL Database11 Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP12 Advanced MySQL Administration13 Advanced MySQL ProgrammingPart III: Web Application Security14 Web Application Security Risks15 Building a Secure Web Application16 Implementing Authentication Methods with PHPPart IV: Advanced PHP Techniques17 Interacting with the File System and the Server18 Using Network and Protocol Functions19 Managing the Date and Time20 Internationalization and Localization21 Generating Images22 Using Session Control in PHP23 Integrating JavaScript and PHP24 Other Useful FeaturesPart V: Building Practical PHP and MySQL Projects25 Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects26 Debugging and Logging27 Building User Authentication and Personalization28 (Web Edition) Building a Web-Based Email Client with Laravel Part I29 (Web Edition) Building a Web-Based Email Client with Laravel Part II30 (Web Edition) Social Media Integration Sharing and Authentication31 (Web Edition) Building a Shopping CartPart VI: AppendixA Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie lautet der Oberbegriff für die folgenden Dinge: Deep Web, Darknet, World Wide Web, Web?

    Der Oberbegriff für die genannten Dinge ist "Internet". Das Deep Web bezieht sich auf den Teil des Internets, der nicht über Suchmaschinen zugänglich ist, während das Darknet auf anonyme Kommunikation und den Zugang zu illegalen Inhalten abzielt. Das World Wide Web ist der öffentliche Teil des Internets, in dem Websites und Webseiten zugänglich sind.

  • Wie kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden?

    Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website kann durch Web-Programmierung verbessert werden, indem eine klare und intuitive Navigation implementiert wird. Zudem können interaktive Elemente wie Dropdown-Menüs oder Suchfunktionen hinzugefügt werden, um die Benutzererfahrung zu optimieren. Außerdem ist es wichtig, responsives Design zu verwenden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website auf verschiedenen Geräten gut funktioniert.

  • Was ist Web Tracking?

    Was ist Web Tracking? Web Tracking bezieht sich auf die Praxis, das Verhalten von Internetnutzern online zu verfolgen, um Informationen über ihre Aktivitäten zu sammeln. Dies geschieht in der Regel mithilfe von Cookies, Pixeln oder anderen Tracking-Technologien, die auf Websites eingebettet sind. Durch Web Tracking können Unternehmen das Surfverhalten der Nutzer analysieren, personalisierte Werbung schalten und ihre Marketingstrategien optimieren. Datenschutzbedenken sind jedoch ein wichtiger Aspekt von Web Tracking, da es die Privatsphäre der Nutzer beeinträchtigen kann.

  • Wie kann man mit Hilfe von Web-Programmierung interaktive und benutzerfreundliche Websites erstellen? Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien und Techniken der Web-Programmierung?

    Durch die Verwendung von HTML, CSS und JavaScript kann man interaktive und benutzerfreundliche Websites erstellen. Die grundlegenden Prinzipien sind die Trennung von Inhalt, Design und Verhalten, die Einhaltung von Webstandards und die Verwendung von responsivem Design. Zu den Techniken gehören die Verwendung von Frameworks wie Bootstrap, die Implementierung von Animationen und die Optimierung der Ladezeiten.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Semantic-Web-And-Web:

  • Content Strategy for the Web
    Content Strategy for the Web

    FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures, and Sound
    Writing for the Web: Creating Compelling Web Content Using Words, Pictures, and Sound

    With Writing for the Web, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create effective Web content using words, pictures, and sound. Follow along as instructor and writer Lynda Felder combines easy-to-follow guidelines with photographs, lists, and tables to illustrate the key concepts behind writing nonlinear, interactive stories; creating succinct and clear copy; and working compelling images, motion graphics, and sound into your content. Many books offer instruction on how to use software programs to build Web sites, podcasts, and illustrations. But only Writing for the Web explains when and why an author might choose an illustration over a photograph, motion graphics over text, or a slice of Beethoven’s Fifth over the sound of a bubbling brook. Focusing on storytelling techniques that work best for digital media, this book describes the essential skills and tools in a Web author’s toolbox, including a thorough understanding of grammar and style, a critical eye for photography, and an ear for just the right sound byte for a podcast. This clearly written guide provides a fun and practical approach to Web writing that busy students and writers will be eager to learn and explore. Uses concise, straight-to-the-point style to illustrate techniques for writing sharp and focused Web copy, coupled with compelling visuals and sound Focuses on writing practices and guidelines, with exercises and prompts developed and tested by the author Features clear design, with plenty of pictures and visual elements, and a friendly and knowledgeable voiceTake your learning even further with Lynda's companion book: The Web Writer's Toolkit: 365 prompts, collaborative exercises, games, and challenges for effective online content.For more tips, exercises, and suggestions for teachers, check out the book’s Web site at

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
    Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design

    In a complex world, products that are easy to use win favor with consumers. This is the first book on the topic of simplicity aimed specifically at interaction designers. It shows how to drill down and simplify user experiences when designing digital tools and applications. It begins by explaining why simplicity is attractive, explores the laws of simplicity, and presents proven strategies for achieving simplicity. Remove, hide, organize and displace become guidelines for designers, who learn simplicity by seeing before and after examples and case studies where the results speak for themselves.

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
    Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design

    In a complex world, products that are easy to use win favor with consumers. This is the first book on the topic of simplicity aimed specifically at interaction designers. It shows how to drill down and simplify user experiences when designing digital tools and applications. It begins by explaining why simplicity is attractive, explores the laws of simplicity, and presents proven strategies for achieving simplicity. Remove, hide, organize and displace become guidelines for designers, who learn simplicity by seeing before and after examples and case studies where the results speak for themselves.

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man das Interesse an Web-Entwicklung und Design wecken?

    1. Durch das Ausprobieren von einfachen Web-Entwicklungs-Tools wie HTML und CSS. 2. Durch das Ansehen von Tutorials und Online-Kursen zu Web-Entwicklung und Design. 3. Durch die Teilnahme an Hackathons und Meetups, um sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen und neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen.

  • Was ist das Deep Web und wie unterscheidet es sich vom Surface Web?

    Das Deep Web ist der Teil des Internets, der nicht über Suchmaschinen wie Google zugänglich ist und hauptsächlich aus nicht indexierten Seiten besteht. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Surface Web der Teil des Internets, der über Suchmaschinen gefunden werden kann und öffentlich zugänglich ist. Das Deep Web umfasst private Datenbanken, geschützte Websites und andere nicht öffentliche Inhalte, während das Surface Web öffentlich zugängliche Websites und Informationen enthält.

  • Wie können Anfänger ihre Programmierkenntnisse für das Web verbessern? Welche Tools und Ressourcen sind für die Web-Programmierung besonders empfehlenswert?

    Anfänger können ihre Programmierkenntnisse für das Web verbessern, indem sie Online-Kurse wie Codecademy oder FreeCodeCamp nutzen, um die Grundlagen zu erlernen. Sie sollten auch mit einfachen Projekten wie einer persönlichen Website oder einem Blog praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Tools wie Visual Studio Code, GitHub und Stack Overflow sind besonders empfehlenswert für die Web-Programmierung, um Code zu schreiben, zu speichern und Hilfe von der Community zu erhalten.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von Cloud-Hosting im Vergleich zu herkömmlichem Web-Hosting?

    Cloud-Hosting bietet Skalierbarkeit, Flexibilität und hohe Verfügbarkeit, da Ressourcen bei Bedarf einfach hinzugefügt oder reduziert werden können. Zudem entfällt die Notwendigkeit für physische Server und die damit verbundenen Kosten für Wartung und Upgrades. Durch die Nutzung von Cloud-Hosting können Unternehmen Kosten sparen, da sie nur für die tatsächlich genutzten Ressourcen bezahlen müssen.

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