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Produkt zum Begriff Schema:

  • Definitive XML Schema
    Definitive XML Schema

    “XML Schema 1.1 has gone from strong data typing to positively stalwart—so powerful it can enforce database level constraints and business rules, so your data transfer code won’t have to. This book covers the 1.1 changes—and more—in its 500 revisions to Priscilla Walmsley’s 10-year best-selling classic. It’s the guide you need to navigate XML Schema’s complexity—and master its power!” —Charles F. Goldfarb   For Ten Years the World’s Favorite Guide to XML Schema—Now Extensively Revised for Version 1.1 and Today’s Best Practices!   To leverage XML’s full power, organizations need shared vocabularies based on XML Schema. For a full decade, Definitive XML Schema has been the most practical, accessible, and usable guide to working with XML Schema. Now, author Priscilla Walmsley has thoroughly updated her classic to fully reflect XML Schema 1.1, and to present new best practices for designing successful schemas.   Priscilla helped create XML Schema as a member of the W3C XML Schema Working Group, so she is well qualified to explain the W3C recommendation with insight and clarity. Her book teaches practical techniques for writing schemas to support any application, including many new use cases. You’ll discover how XML Schema 1.1 provides a rigorous, complete specification for modeling XML document structure, content, and datatypes; and walk through the many aspects of designing and applying schemas, including composition, instance validation, documentation, and namespaces. Then, building on the fundamentals, Priscilla introduces powerful advanced techniques ranging from type derivation to identity constraints. This edition’s extensive new coverage includes   Many new design hints, tips, and tricks – plus a full chapter on creating an enterprise strategy for schema development and maintenance Design considerations in creating schemas for relational and object-oriented models, narrative content, and Web services An all-new chapter on assertions Coverage of new 1.1 features, including overrides, conditional type assignment, open content and more Modernized rules for naming and design Substantially updated coverage of extensibility, reuse, and versioning And much more   If you’re an XML developer, architect, or content specialist, with this Second Edition you can join the tens of thousands who rely on Definitive XML Schema for practical insights, deeper understanding, and solutions that work.  

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Schema-Coaching (Migge, Björn)
    Schema-Coaching (Migge, Björn)

    Schema-Coaching , Die Schematherapie hat sich in der Psychotherapie als sehr erfolgreich erwiesen. Björn Migge hat dieses wirkungsvolle Verfahren für die Anwendung im Coaching, in der Beratung, Seelsorge und der Kurzzeittherapie modifiziert. Allgemeinverständlich erklärt er, wo die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von Psychotherapie und Coaching liegen. Er erläutert, wie sich die Schematherapie entwickelt hat und führt anhand von lebendiger Theorie, vielen kurzen Fallvignetten und Beispielen in die Praxis der Schemaarbeit ein. Mit diesem Buch liegt ein »roter Faden« vor, wie Coaches verschiedene Methoden gekonnt verknüpfen können und damit ihre Klienten in 15 Schritten zu einer positiven Veränderung führen. Aus dem Inhalt: . Coaching und Psychotherapie - Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten . Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schemaansatzes . Kindliche Grundbedürfnisse als Ausgangspunkt . Innere Grundmuster: Schemata . Arbeit mit Emotionen, inneren Teilen, Gedanken, Imaginationen sowie mit dem Körper . Achtsamkeit und Selbstachtung . Üben, Trainieren, Feedback . Der Ablaufplan als roter Faden (Manual mit Schritt 1-15) , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Erscheinungsjahr: 20130422, Produktform: Leinen, Titel der Reihe: Beltz Weiterbildung##, Autoren: Migge, Björn, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 334, Fachschema: Coaching~Manager / Coaching~Andragogik~Bildung / Erwachsenenbildung~Erwachsenenbildung, Thema: Optimieren, Fachkategorie: Erwachsenenbildung, lebenslanges Lernen, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: ger, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Julius Beltz GmbH, Verlag: Julius Beltz GmbH, Verlag: Julius Beltz GmbH, Verlag: Julius Beltz GmbH & Co. KG, Länge: 246, Breite: 169, Höhe: 25, Gewicht: 752, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Sozialwissenschaften/Recht/Wirtschaft, Genre: Sozialwissenschaften/Recht/Wirtschaft, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0002, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 862085

    Preis: 49.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Content Strategy for the Web
    Content Strategy for the Web

    FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Domain-Driven Design Distilled
    Domain-Driven Design Distilled

    Domain-Driven Design (DDD) software modeling delivers powerful results in practice, not just in theory, which is why developers worldwide are rapidly moving to adopt it. Now, for the first time, there’s an accessible guide to the basics of DDD: What it is, what problems it solves, how it works, and how to quickly gain value from it.   Concise, readable, and actionable, Domain-Driven Design Distilled never buries you in detail–it focuses on what you need to know to get results. Vaughn Vernon, author of the best-selling Implementing Domain-Driven Design, draws on his twenty years of experience applying DDD principles to real-world situations. He is uniquely well-qualified to demystify its complexities, illuminate its subtleties, and help you solve the problems you might encounter.   Vernon guides you through each core DDD technique for building better software. You’ll learn how to segregate domain models using the powerful Bounded Contexts pattern, to develop a Ubiquitous Language within an explicitly bounded context, and to help domain experts and developers work together to create that language. Vernon shows how to use Subdomains to handle legacy systems and to integrate multiple Bounded Contexts to define both team relationships and technical mechanisms.   Domain-Driven Design Distilled brings DDD to life. Whether you’re a developer, architect, analyst, consultant, or customer, Vernon helps you truly understand it so you can benefit from its remarkable power.   Coverage includes What DDD can do for you and your organization–and why it’s so important The cornerstones of strategic design with DDD: Bounded Contexts and Ubiquitous Language Strategic design with Subdomains Context Mapping: helping teams work together and integrate software more strategically Tactical design with Aggregates and Domain Events Using project acceleration and management tools to establish and maintain team cadence

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie funktioniert das Horner Schema?

    Das Horner-Schema ist ein Verfahren zur effizienten Berechnung von Polynomwerten. Es basiert auf der Polynomdivision und ermöglicht es, Polynome in einer reduzierten Form darzustellen. Dabei wird das Polynom in eine spezielle Form gebracht, bei der die Koeffizienten des Polynoms effizient berechnet werden können. Dies geschieht, indem man die Potenzen der Variablen ausklammert und die Koeffizienten in einer Tabelle organisiert. Durch schrittweises Einsetzen von Werten für die Variable kann man dann schnell den Wert des Polynoms berechnen.

  • Nach welchem Schema werden Fragen wiedereingestellt?

    Fragen werden in der Regel nach dem First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Prinzip wiedereingestellt. Das bedeutet, dass die ältesten Fragen zuerst beantwortet werden und neue Fragen erst dann beantwortet werden, wenn alle älteren Fragen abgearbeitet wurden. Dies gewährleistet eine gerechte Behandlung aller Fragen und verhindert, dass ältere Fragen unbeantwortet bleiben.

  • Ist Tesla ein Ponzi-Schema?

    Nein, Tesla ist kein Ponzi-Schema. Ein Ponzi-Schema ist ein betrügerisches System, bei dem Investoren durch die Einzahlungen neuer Investoren bezahlt werden. Tesla hingegen ist ein börsennotiertes Unternehmen, das Elektrofahrzeuge und erneuerbare Energietechnologien entwickelt und herstellt. Es hat eine solide Geschäftsstruktur und wird von vielen Investoren unterstützt.

  • Was ist das Horner-Schema für Polynome?

    Das Horner-Schema ist eine Methode zur effizienten Berechnung des Wertes eines Polynoms an einer bestimmten Stelle. Dabei wird das Polynom in eine Rekursionsformel umgewandelt, die schrittweise ausgewertet werden kann. Das Horner-Schema reduziert die Anzahl der benötigten Multiplikationen und Additionen im Vergleich zur direkten Auswertung des Polynoms.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Schema:

  • Implementing Domain-Driven Design
    Implementing Domain-Driven Design

    “For software developers of all experience levels looking to improve their results, and design and implement domain-driven enterprise applications consistently with the best current state of professional practice, Implementing Domain-Driven Design will impart a treasure trove of knowledge hard won within the DDD and enterprise application architecture communities over the last couple decades.” –Randy Stafford, Architect At-Large, Oracle Coherence Product Development“This book is a must-read for anybody looking to put DDD into practice.”–Udi Dahan, Founder of NServiceBusImplementing Domain-Driven Design presents a top-down approach to understanding domain-driven design (DDD) in a way that fluently connects strategic patterns to fundamental tactical programming tools. Vaughn Vernon couples guided approaches to implementation with modern architectures, highlighting the importance and value of focusing on the business domain while balancing technical considerations.Building on Eric Evans’ seminal book, Domain-Driven Design, the author presents practical DDD techniques through examples from familiar domains. Each principle is backed up by realistic Java examples–all applicable to C# developers–and all content is tied together by a single case study: the delivery of a large-scale Scrum-based SaaS system for a multitenant environment.The author takes you far beyond “DDD-lite” approaches that embrace DDD solely as a technical toolset, and shows you how to fully leverage DDD’s “strategic design patterns” using Bounded Context, Context Maps, and the Ubiquitous Language. Using these techniques and examples, you can reduce time to market and improve quality, as you build software that is more flexible, more scalable, and more tightly aligned to business goals.Coverage includesGetting started the right way with DDD, so you can rapidly gain value from itUsing DDD within diverse architectures, including Hexagonal, SOA, REST, CQRS, Event-Driven, and Fabric/Grid-BasedAppropriately designing and applying Entities–and learning when to use Value Objects insteadMastering DDD’s powerful new Domain Events techniqueDesigning Repositories for ORM, NoSQL, and other databases

    Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Millance Volunteer Hosting
    Millance Volunteer Hosting

    Preis: 45 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Definitive XML Schema
    Definitive XML Schema

    “XML Schema 1.1 has gone from strong data typing to positively stalwart—so powerful it can enforce database level constraints and business rules, so your data transfer code won’t have to. This book covers the 1.1 changes—and more—in its 500 revisions to Priscilla Walmsley’s 10-year best-selling classic. It’s the guide you need to navigate XML Schema’s complexity—and master its power!” —Charles F. Goldfarb   For Ten Years the World’s Favorite Guide to XML Schema—Now Extensively Revised for Version 1.1 and Today’s Best Practices!   To leverage XML’s full power, organizations need shared vocabularies based on XML Schema. For a full decade, Definitive XML Schema has been the most practical, accessible, and usable guide to working with XML Schema. Now, author Priscilla Walmsley has thoroughly updated her classic to fully reflect XML Schema 1.1, and to present new best practices for designing successful schemas.   Priscilla helped create XML Schema as a member of the W3C XML Schema Working Group, so she is well qualified to explain the W3C recommendation with insight and clarity. Her book teaches practical techniques for writing schemas to support any application, including many new use cases. You’ll discover how XML Schema 1.1 provides a rigorous, complete specification for modeling XML document structure, content, and datatypes; and walk through the many aspects of designing and applying schemas, including composition, instance validation, documentation, and namespaces. Then, building on the fundamentals, Priscilla introduces powerful advanced techniques ranging from type derivation to identity constraints. This edition’s extensive new coverage includes   Many new design hints, tips, and tricks – plus a full chapter on creating an enterprise strategy for schema development and maintenance Design considerations in creating schemas for relational and object-oriented models, narrative content, and Web services An all-new chapter on assertions Coverage of new 1.1 features, including overrides, conditional type assignment, open content and more Modernized rules for naming and design Substantially updated coverage of extensibility, reuse, and versioning And much more   If you’re an XML developer, architect, or content specialist, with this Second Edition you can join the tens of thousands who rely on Definitive XML Schema for practical insights, deeper understanding, and solutions that work.  

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Content Strategy for the Web
    Content Strategy for the Web

    FROM CONSTANT CRISIS TO SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS BETTER CONTENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS. Your content is a mess: the website redesigns didn’t help, and the new CMS just made things worse. Or, maybe your content is full of potential: you know new revenue and cost-savings opportunities exist, but you’re not sure where to start. How can you realize the value of content while planning for its long-term success? For organizations all over the world, Content Strategy for the Web is the go-to content strategy handbook. Read it to: Understand content strategy and its business value Discover the processes and people behind a successful content strategy Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how Find out how to build a business case for content strategy With all-new chapters, updated material, case studies, and more, the second edition of Content Strategy for the Web is an essential guide for anyone who works with content.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Warum funktioniert das Horner-Schema hier nicht?

    Das Horner-Schema funktioniert nicht, wenn der Grad des Polynoms nicht bekannt ist oder wenn das Polynom nicht in der Form a_n*x^n + a_n-1*x^n-1 + ... + a_1*x + a_0 vorliegt. Es erfordert eine bestimmte Struktur des Polynoms, um effizient angewendet werden zu können.

  • Kannst du das Z-Schema der Lichtreaktion einfach erklären?

    Das Z-Schema der Lichtreaktion beschreibt den Prozess der Fotosynthese in Pflanzen, bei dem Lichtenergie in chemische Energie umgewandelt wird. Dabei werden Elektronen aus Wasser freigesetzt und durch eine Reihe von Proteinkomplexen transportiert, wodurch ATP und NADPH produziert werden. Diese energiereichen Moleküle werden dann in der Calvin-Zyklus verwendet, um Glucose zu synthetisieren.

  • Kann ich einen Computer nach diesem Schema zusammenstellen?

    Ja, du kannst einen Computer nach einem bestimmten Schema zusammenstellen. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie du die Komponenten auswählen kannst, abhängig von deinen spezifischen Anforderungen und deinem Budget. Es ist wichtig, die Kompatibilität der einzelnen Teile zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie gut zusammenarbeiten.

  • Hat jemand ein beschriftetes Schema von einem Aal?

    Ja, es gibt verschiedene schematische Darstellungen eines Aals, die seine äußeren Merkmale und Anatomie zeigen. Diese Schemata können in Büchern über Fische oder im Internet gefunden werden.

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